
Saturday, July 17, 2004

SEO is an art at the moment. But it shouldn't be an art and it won't be an art. It will be very scientific and be a science, and will be teaching at elite universities. It has a long way to go to get there as VP of Google's technolgy said 95% of search engine technology has yet to be developed.
The academic fields that will contribute to search engine field I can think of would be: marketing, information retrieval, MIS and etc.
The reason is the fundamental differences between other marketing fileds and search engine marketing. For SEO, we are against a few giant and sophisticated machines. If you know search engines' ranking algorithms (withour breaking into googleplex), you can rank higher withour any sort of experience or art. I'm aware of that high ranking is only part of search engine marketing. By the time search engine marketing matures, it may not be called SEO at all. In a broad sense, search engine marketing is really about communications in a digital, interactive and hypermedium environment.

Now Google considers SEO a top threat to the quality of search. But it was Google who actually created the SEO industry and It is not too late to bring SEO back to the right track when it still has the influence.
There're two forms of serach engine spams, keyword spam and link spam.  While Google search results are skewed by link spam, Yahoo search results are tainted by keyword spam. 
The idea of PageRank is originated from the concept of citation in academic research - a link from page A to page B is considered a vote from B to A.   But in reality links have complex meanings.  That links are valued by the meanings of link in SERPs is likely the most major chang in Google ranking algorithm in the near future.   None will even notice the change in Google decided not to cause pains on website publishers.

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